Specialty Services

Metal Disintegrator

For removing Broken Studs, Taps and Drills without damaging the internal hole.

The Disintegration Process...
The cutting action of a metal disintegrator is accomplished by creating a series of intermittent electric arcs that break down the hardest metals into minute particles. An electrode, held in the head of the disintegrator, vibrates as it cuts while a coolant is pumped through the electrode to wash away the powdered metal. All metal disintegrators work on this principle, but that is where the similarity ends. Cammann goes steps further to manufacture a metal disintegrator with superiority that is outstanding in brand to brand comparisons.

Stadium Lighting Projects

The Port Arthur Stadium lights were installed by Wildon Wiring Limited. They are 110 foot poles, specially ordered for this project. They are among the tallest in Ontario and are equipped with a lighting system. Our workers climb these poles to perform maintenance and service for the lights. It is a very long hike up the pole and workers may spend hours strapped to the pole at the top. You definitely get a bird's eye view of the Thunder Bay Harbour from this vantage point!

Fly-in to Remote Northern Communities

We have flown into Remote Northern Communities to provide our services. We have disassembled our M7 Bombardier Unit and flown the equipment on Hawker Aircraft to service our Northern Clients.

Brush Cutting

Brush Cutting

Brush Cutting is a very important factor for Hydro Line Construction. Proper clearance of lines while building in Rural areas is essential.

As trees age or weaken, and when wind storms hit- proper clearance ensures that your line will remain in tact. A tree down on a line can cause your power to be out. Do NOT attempt to cut a fallen tree off the line. The line can still be energized.

Brush Cutting is also an important factor for highways, lighting and railway maintenance. Visual sightlines must be cleared and maintained.

We are also responsible for Danger Tree Removal and Disposal.

Helicopter Services

Helicopter Services

A specialized service which provides direct access to your area. We can fly quickly to your Mine or Mill for On-Site Service or we can Patrol your line as a Preventative Measure or for Maintenance.

Helicopters have assisted with Pole Straightening, Communication Tower Set-up and Removal, Mountain Top Work where Power is required and Line Patrols. Long Line Services are readily available to sling the gear and tools necessary to perform our duties in inaccessible areas.

When dealing in a situation where a Project has work at one end and you need to close in a Switch miles away, a vehicle route may take 3 hours to get there. However, with the use of a helicopter, 20 minutes flying time to transport men and Supervisors, can be a real save.

Contact the professionals at: info@wiskair.com for more information.